Beginner - Your turn to sing

Some people can sing and some people can't, if you're one of those who can't and have been put on the spot to sing at a karaoke club for example, then tune in to this lesson to learn how to stand your ground and get out of singing.
Shukran for the fun lesson as always.I should not make a comment sbout your talents for composition,
Btw,I have some questions.
1:3'anny and 7aawely are feminine,then can a3ref become 3refy when someone is ordering a woman to sing?
2:Also 'munkin' is not used under this kind of situation?
3:I was a little surprised that a word 'karaoke',which is originally Japanese, is used in Arabic too.It literally means 'kara=empty oke=orchestra'.Is karaoke popular in Arabic countries?
Thanks in advance.