Beginner - Bedtime
The Arabic phrase for bedtime is actually translated literally to "time the sleeping". You will learn this phrase along with some of the verbal counterparts for 'sleep'. Tune in, for it's a Amr Jayyed if you do.
Ya Kurumi, the dictionary has many more features. You should try pressing (Random Search) on the top left of the dictionary page, it just shows random words to enhance your vocabularies.
Right, as for (shay2 شئ) and (amr أمر), best way to translate them is: the word (شئ) means (thing) while (أمر) is (matter). So (شئ) is something that you physically could carry, but (أمر) is not. Hope you can extract the difference further now. |
Since we are on the dictionary - if I could ask for an improvement. Nice implementation, but one flaw. Refreshing to get a new word requires a movement of the mouse up to the top and back. This gets tiring quickly. It would be great if we just had an arrow button forward which would refresh and give us a new word without having to move the hand/mouse. Byki lists have this simple feature - its great.
The word mubakir is early. In one of your lessons from before you guys used a word that was badri. (Mazal badri) is it the same meaning badri and mubakir? Or are they different?
The word mubakir is early. In one of your lessons from before you guys used a word that was badri. (Mazal badri) is it the same meaning badri and mubakir? Or are they different?
jamalbinti14, both words have the same meaning (early), it is just (badri) is colloquial while (mubakkir) is classical.
how do i say wake up?, istayqiظ?
To a male: استيقظ Istayqi6' To a female: استيقظي Istayqi6'y |
BTW I noticed that on Dictionary page,when I search a word,I can see not only the meaning of it,but also sample sentences and the sound !! Wow I didn't know that! From when? Hope every user will know this great feature too!
Or am I the one who knew this last..? Anyways,thx Arabicpod.