Lower Intermediate - Oh my lord

Join us as we go through a short prayer in this intermediate lesson. The lesson teaches classical Arabic, which is what is used for prayers and supplications in Arabic. There are lots of new words to get your head around, some of which are quite challenging. Nonetheless some words should prove to be useful and are good to learn at this stage to add to your ever extending list of vocabulary.
ما شاء الله و لا حول و لا قوّة الا باللة
Thanks for the refreshing lesson. For those of us who are learning Arabic to better know our deen, this is extremely helpful. I hope that we will be seeing more of these types of lessons in the future ان شاء اللة.
Just one thing, can you please elaborate on why the verbs are in past tense? Such as استطعت or صنعت, while they have a present/future tense meaning?