Lower Intermediate - Downloading

A special podcast dedicated to all you new internet users and all of you who aren't as fast at spotting things on screen as your fellow internet using buddies. This lesson focuses on downloading an audio file from the web. All of you techno whizzes may think it's so simple you could do it in your sleep... but how about when it comes to navigating an Arabic webpage? Tune in for useful vocab that will help you browse Arabic sites, and more, in today's podcast...
I actually have a question about Egyptian Arabic,
I was watching a music video by Amr Diab, it's called "Tammally maak"...
The first line in Arabic I think is this.
"تم لي معك"
Now, I saw a translation for this as "I am always with you"... does it mean something literally like "It completes me being with you"?
Does "Tamally= تم لي" mean Always in Egyptian? Sorry for the weird question, but I figured you guys are the best teachers to know!